༄༅། །སྨོན་ལམ་གྲངས་བསོགས་སྐབས་འཚོགས་ཐུན་གྲོལ་དུས། བརྗོད་ཡར་འཚོགས་ནས།
Having accumulated however many aspirations prayers you intend to, closing the session of accumulation, recite this further accumulation prayer.
chokchu rabjam zhing na zhukpé choksum tsasum malü shing lüpa mépa tamché dak sok semchen kün gyi lü zhing gi dul nyé du trul té chaktsal zhing kyab su chi’o
To all those abiding in the infinite worlds of the ten directions, the Three Jewels and the Three Roots, without exception and without remainder, I and others, all sentient beings, emanating bodies as many as there are atoms, prostrate and go for refuge.
pakpé tsok dedak tamché la chöyön dang jukpa metok dang dukpö marmé dang zhalzé rolmo dang silnyen duk dang baden lasokpa ngösu chi jorpa didak dang
To that entire exalted assembly we offer and serve offering water and scented water, flowers and incense, butterlamps and nourishment, music and cymbals, parasols and banners, and so forth,
chokchu na dakpö yongsu ma zungwé lha dang mi yi dzé dampa dewé yojé pünsum tsokpa tamché dang
whatever real things we have here, and throughout the ten directions, all the absolutely unowned, pure things of gods and humans, pleasing objects, of the best quality and in greatest abundance,
zung dang rikpé tu dang möpé tob kyi kyépé chöpé trin zangpo chöpé mönlam léjungwa gyatso tamché kyi namkhé kham kyi ta lépa tamché gyepar kang té bul lo chö do
created through the power of vows and awareness and through strength of intention, an ocean of the offering clouds arisen from the aspirations of noble conduct, all completely filling the entire extent of the realm of space.
dakchak nam kyi tokma machipa né khorwa né khorwé tserab tamché du
I lay open all our sins and unvirtuous actions, circling since time without beginning, in all our successive lives in the round of rebirth,
dikpa migewé lé dor na mi gyi war rikpé lé ni gyi gyiwar öpé lé ma gyipa lasokpa ngö dik chi chipa tamché yangdakpar chak so düsum gyi pakpa dang kyewö gewa tadak gi sönam tamché la jésu yi rang ngo
in brief, acts appropriately not done that we did, acts that ought to be done that we didn’t, and so forth, actual sins, whatever they may have been. I rejoice in all the merit of virtuous actions of those having transcended conditioned existence in the three times and of beings.
chokchü gyalwa tamché la chö kyi khorlo lana mépar korwar kul lo
I urge all those Glorious Ones of the ten directions unsurpassably to turn the wheel of Chö (Dharma).
jikten gyi drönme gangdak nya ngen lé dawé tsul tönpa zhépa dedak tamché kyang nya ngen lé mi dawar jikten gyi dön dzé ching yün ring du zhukpar solwar chaktsal lo
To all those illuminators of the world who wish to demonstrate the manifestation of leaving the world of misery, I pray and prostrate; do not pass beyond misery, but act for the benefit of the world and remain for a very long time.
Kalu Rinpoche & Wangchen Rinpoche – Ser Cho Ling
FB Livestream – June 24, 2023 (DAY 2)
Accumulation prayer – Cho chu rap jam
2nd day of Shangpa Mönlam:
– Accumulation prayer – Cho chu rap jam
– Aspiration of Kuntuzangpo X5 (3′ 25”)
– Mahamudra Mönlam (1h 10′ 15”)
– Niguma’s Mönlam (1h 15′ 15”)
– Chungpo’s Mönlam (1h 21′ 10”)
– Rinpoche’s Mönlam (1h 22′ 55”)
– Aspiration prayer to be reborn in Dewachen (1h 28′ 25”)
– Short prayer for rebirth in Dewachen X3 (1h 47′ 45”)
– Dedication of Merit (1h 50′ 30”)
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